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GEB Enterprise

GEB Enterprise

Courses and Training

Courses about VHDL design, System On Programmable Chip (SOPC), Fpga SOM, ARM-SOC, TimeQuest timing analysis, BSCAN Test and DFT (Design For Test)

2022 Upcoming Fpga Courses Table

Description (dt) Days Dates Cost Book
VEC100: Introduzione al VHDL
VEC100E: Introduction to VHDL
2 24-25 Feb. €1180,00 Prenota
VEC102: Introduzione a Quartus Prime
VEC102E: Quartus Prime Foundation
2 10-11 Feb. €1180,00 Prenota
VEC110: Introduzione a QSYS
VEC110E: Introduction to QSYS
2 3-4 Mar. €1180,00 Prenota
VEC107: Introduzione alla Timing Analysis con TimeQuest
VEC107E: TimeQuest Basic Timing Analysis
2 10-11 March 3-4 Nov. €1180,00 Prenota
VEC104: Progettazione Hardware con il NIOSII
VEC104E: Designing Hardware with NIOSII
1.5 23-24 March €900,00 Prenota
VEC105: Sviluppo software per il NIOSII
VEC105E: Developing Software on NIOSII
1.5 24-25 March €900,00 Prenota
VEC222: Il PCI Express su FPGA Intel®
VEC222E: PCI Express on Intel® FPGA
2 12-13 May
17-18 Nov.
€1180,00 Prenota
VEC101: Progettazione avanzate in VHDL
VEC101E: Advanced VHDL Design
2 11-12 April, 10-11 Nov. €1180,00 Prenota
VEC125: Analisi di timing avanzata con TimeQuest
VEC125E: TimeQuest Advanced Timing Analisys
2 30-31 March €1180,00 Prenota
VEC221: Progettazione hardware di ARM SoC su Fpga Intel®
VEC221E: Designing with an ARM SoC Intel® Fpga
4 5-8 April, 18-21 Nov. €2400,00 Prenota
VEC311: Calcolo parallelo su OPENCL Intel®
VEC311E: Parallel Computing with Intel® OPENCL
2 On Request €1800,00 Prenota
VEC321: Ottimizzazione di codice OPENCL su FPGA Intel®
VEC321E: Optimizing OpenCL on Intel® Fpga
2 On Request €1800,00 Prenota
VEC220: Progettazione con DSP Builder Advanced Blockset
VEC220E: Designing with DSP Builder Advanced Blockset
3 On Request €1800,00 Prenota
VEC200: Analisi di testabilità con JTAG 1 1 April €600,00 Prenota


Description (sf) BOOK
VEC100: Introduzione al VHDL
VEC100E: Introduction to VHDL
2 days, 24-25 Feb.
VEC102: Introduzione a Quartus Prime
VEC102E: Quartus Prime Foundation
2 days, 10-11 Feb.
VEC110: Corso introduzione a QSYS
VEC110E: Introduction to QSYS Training
2 days, 3-4 Mar.
VEC107: Corso introduzione a TimeQuest
VEC107E: TimeQuest Basic Timing Analysis
2 days, 10-11 Mar.
3-4 Nov.
VEC104: Progettazione hardware su NIOSII
VEC104E: Designing Hardware on NIOSII
1.5 days, 23-24 March
VEC105: Sviluppo software su NIOSII
VEC105E: Developing Software on NIOSII
1.5 days, 24-25 Mar.
VEC222: Il PCI Express su FPGA Intel®
VEC222E: PCI Express on Intel® FPGA
2 days, 12-13 May, 17-18 Nov.
VEC101: Progettazione in VHDL avanzato
VEC101E: Advanced VHDL Design Techniques
2 days, 11-12 April
10-11 Nov.
VEC125: TimeQuest, Analisi timing avanzata
VEC125E: TimeQuest Advanced Timing Analisys
2 days, 30-31 March
8-9 Dic. 2020
VEC221: Progettazione HW su ARM SoC in Fpga
VEC221E: Design Fpga with ARM SoC
4 days, 5-8 April
18-21 Nov.
VEC311: Calcolo parallelo su OPENCL Intel®
VEC311E: Parallel Computing by OPENCL
2 Days, On Request
VEC321: Ottimizzazionecodice OPENCL su FPGA
VEC321E: Optimizing OpenCL on Intel® Fpga
2 Days, On Request
VEC220: Progettazione con DSP Builder
VEC220E: Designing with DSP Builder
3 days, On Request
Analisi di testabilità con JTAG
1 day, 1 April, 1 April


Prenota Solo i corsi in Italiano possono essere prenotati dal sito. Clicca per entrare nel form di prenotazione
Only the Italian courses can be booked online, please ask regarding the classes in English language filling the information Request form.

General info on Courses and Traning

The courses can take place in specific GEB partner’s classrooms or at the Customer premises. All courses are confirmed when a minimum of n°4 attendees is achieved. More sessions are organized for a number of attendees exceeding n°10.

Attendees will receive electronic and/or printed versions of the course materials: photocopies of slides, practical examples, CD with the exercises. At the end of the course a certificate of participation is issued. The course fee  may include an “educational board” to continue, extend and repeat the exercises afterwords, at the Customer premises.